🎋 Bamboo Craft & Livelihoods

Mandated to develop a decentralized entrepreneurial eco-system with an artisan centric approach to boost the local artisan economy. To curate specialized skill programs in structural application of bamboo and to design low-cost craft tools and innovative products in utility / lifestyle space. Promote extensive bamboo plantation as a sustainable resource development approach.

Gondwana Craft

An initiative by Science & Technology Resource Centre (STRC), Gondwana University, Gadchiroli, to bring traditional art-forms of the region under one umbrella brand, ‘Gondwana Craft’, with an artisan centric approach to preserve and promote these unique yet dying art-forms on a sustainable and viable social entrepreneurship platform.

Bamboo for Structural Applications

Polyhouse / Nutri Garden

A RGSTC, Mumbai initiative on development of Bamboo Polyhouse in collaboration with CTARA, IIT-Bombay and SASMIRA. The first polyhouse of 125 sq. mtr. size has been erected at STRC premises. STRC wishes to demonstrate these for controlled farming and nutri-garden purposes.

Poultry Sheds

STRC under its in-house R&D initiative, has developed Bamboo Composite Poultry Sheds using bamboo and other locally available materials, intend to provide a cost-effective solution for backyard poultry and promote Integrated Fish Farming practices (Fish and Poultry) for local fish farmers.

Multipurpose Sheds

STRC under its structural application of Bamboo initiatives envisages to utilize local bamboo as a structural material. An inspired group of young STRC Bamboo Artisans and Diploma Students have erected the University Yoga Centre as an internship project. Various Sit-outs, Shop Extensions and Bus-stops can be designed and executed under the effort.

Design Patents for STRC Bamboo Products

Model Production Unit – STRC Designed and Developed Products (Craft and Multi Utility), Granted Design Patents by Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India.

Bamboo Trophy

Bamboo Earring

Bamboo Flower

Bamboo Poultry-shed

Bamboo Seed Spacer

STRC Bamboo Toolkit

STRC has developed low-cost toolkits for bamboo craft as an aid to empower and enhance capacities of local traditional artisans. The toolkit includes width sizer, petal bending tool, handling tool, and petal cutting tool, etc.

Women Centric Community Enterprise

STRC’s efforts to inculcate entrepreneurship aptitude among local women along with progressive technical and business facilitation has led to the establishment of multiple small enterprises in bamboo.

Districts   |    200  Women Artisans    |    7.0 Lakh  Revenue Generated

Projects Under This Initiative

Establishment of a Bamboo Common Facility Centre in Kurkheda Block, Gadchiroli, as a rural enterprise

Project sanctioned under
Manav Vikas Mission (MVM), Government of Maharashtra

For skill upgradation and livelihood generation of traditional bamboo artisans.

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